Eak–Ee–Eak–Eak was an exhibition questioning the truth created by language and symbols across cultures, using the construct “chicken” as a platform to explore this theme. The work looked at the numerous, colorful uses and meanings of the construct “chicken” from a physical and literal level to an abstract and subjective level. For example:
• kai as a nick-name in Thai, poulet as a name for police in French and Italian, a spunky chick in Australia, etc.
• different interpretations, in different cultures of the word “chicken”.
• sounds of the chicken, in the market place, at the slaughter house, in the stories of traditional childhood songs, contemporary pop and so on
I surveyed these themes via an entertaining mix of mediums: painting, sculpture, sound, video and experimental art activities.

Paintings and Collage
There also was a set of sculptures that reacted to sound. When making noise, the chicken sculpture would dance.
Video and sound

Year: 2004
Dimension: variable
Materials: oil paintings, collages, drawings, paper, plaster, speakers, televisions, VHS video player, sound recorder, sound sensitive sensors, food, cocktails, t-shirts, posters, postcards
Venue: Umong Silphadhama Gallery, Chiang Mai, Thailand